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Dans notre dernier épisode de Beyond Bricks, nous examinons le monde de la gestion financière intelligente et comment le refinancement de votre maison peut changer la donne dans le traitement des dettes à taux d'intérêt élevé. Rejoignez-nous alors que nous, chez North East, partageons plus de 17 ans d'expertise en courtage hypothécaire et en planification financière. Découvrez comment notre approche unique et multiforme répond non seulement à vos besoins immédiats, mais vous met également sur la voie d'une réussite financière à long terme. Connectez-vous pour découvrir des informations que vous ne voudrez pas manquer!
CJAD THE REAL ESTATE SHOW MAR 13, 2022 AT 1:00PM, CJAD 800AM or on Dans l'émission de cette semaine, Terry & Merav prend vos appels et textos pour répondre à toutes vos questions immobilières ! Que vous ayez des questions sur les tarifs, les prix des maisons, l'investissement dans l'immobilier ou l'achat d'une première maison, c'est votre chance de poser des questions sur tout ce qui vous passe par la tête ! Écoutez ce dimanche de 13h00 à 14h00 sur CJAD 800AM ou en ligne sur Terry Kilakos est un courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé, et le président de North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency ainsi que le président de Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano est également courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé et vice-président exécutif de North East et CBC Alliance. Branchez-vous sur CJAD 800AM
CJAD THE REAL ESTATE SHOW FEB. 20, 2022 AT 1:00PM, CJAD 800AM or on Dans l'émission de cette semaine, Terry et Merav se penchent en profondeur sur ce que vous devez savoir en tant qu'acheteur d'une première maison et sur la façon d'être mieux préparé pour votre achat ! Si vous cherchez à devenir propriétaire, c'est un salon à ne pas manquer ! Écoutez ce dimanche de 13h00 à 14h00 sur CJAD 800AM ou en ligne sur Terry Kilakos est un courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé, et le président de North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency ainsi que le président de Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano est également courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé et vice-président exécutif de North East et CBC Alliance. Branchez-vous sur CJAD 800AM
CJAD THE REAL ESTATE SHOW FEB 6, 2022 AT 1:00PM, CJAD 800AM or on Dans l'émission de cette semaine, Terry & Merav parlent d'investissement immobilier ! Par où commencer ? Comment analysez-vous les retours et combien devez-vous mettre de côté ? Tout cela et bien plus encore sur le salon de l'immobilier de cette semaine Écoutez ce dimanche de 13h00 à 14h00 sur CJAD 800AM ou en ligne sur Terry Kilakos est un courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé, et le président de North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency ainsi que le président de Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano est également courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé et vice-président exécutif de North East et CBC Alliance. Branchez-vous sur CJAD 800AM
CJAD THE REAL ESTATE SHOW JAN. 30, 2022 AT 1:00PM, CJAD 800AM or on Dans l'émission de cette semaine, Terry et Merav regardent l'annonce de cette semaine de la Banque du Canada de maintenir le taux du financement à un jour intact. Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour votre taux hypothécaire? Écoutez ce dimanche de 13h00 à 14h00 sur CJAD 800AM ou en ligne sur Terry Kilakos est un courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé, et le président de North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency ainsi que le président de Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano est également courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé et vice-président exécutif de North East et CBC Alliance. Branchez-vous sur CJAD 800AM
CJAD THE REAL ESTATE SHOW JAN. 23, 2022 AT 1:00PM, CJAD 800AM or on Dans l'émission de cette semaine, Terry et Merav se pencheront sur les renouvellements hypothécaires ! Faut-il rester avec sa banque ou renégocier ses conditions avec une autre ? Et quels seraient les avantages de l'une ou l'autre décision ? Écoutez ce dimanche de 13h00 à 14h00 sur CJAD 800AM ou en ligne sur Terry Kilakos est un courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé, et le président de North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency ainsi que le président de Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano est également courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé et vice-président exécutif de North East et CBC Alliance. Branchez-vous sur CJAD 800AM
CJAD THE REAL ESTATE SHOW JAN. 16, 2022 AT 1:00PM, CJAD 800AM or on Dans l'émission de cette semaine, Terry et Merav jettent un regard froid sur les dommages causés à votre maison par des températures extrêmes et comment les éviter. Écoutez ce dimanche de 13h00 à 14h00 sur CJAD 800AM ou en ligne sur Terry Kilakos est un courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé, et le président de North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency ainsi que le président de Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano est également courtier immobilier et hypothécaire agréé et vice-président exécutif de North East et CBC Alliance. Branchez-vous sur CJAD 800AM
On this week's show, Terry & Merav recap the 2021 real estate & mortgage market & this week's show is all about YOU! Call in or text in any of your real estate or mortgage questions & they'll be answered live on the air! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry & Merav go over all your mortgage options and how to choose what makes the most sense for your situation. Whether we talk about fixed rates, variables, home equity lines of credit, or anything else, they will go over every option available and how to make an informed decision. Listen this Sunday from1:00 PM to2:00 PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage brokerd the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry & Merav continue last week's talk about renovating your property the right way. This week look at increasing the value of your property, getting the funds for your renovations ,and doing important repairs to your home to maintain its value. All this and so much more, on this week's The Real Estate Show! Listen this Sunday from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry & Merav talk about renovating your property the right way. What renovations increase the value of your property? What ways can you obtain extra funds to renovate and what are the important repairs that must be done on a home? All this and so much more, on this week's The Real Estate Show! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry & Merav have a deep look at title insurance! Many purchases nowadays involve title insurance on the property, and this week, we look at how important this is, what it covers, and whether we need it on all purchases or just in certain cases. Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry & Merav will demystify the question of whether or not we are in a housing bubble. Should we expect real estate prices to be going up or down in the near future? All this and so much more, on this week's Real Estate Show! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry and Merav will be discussing investing in real estate and where to start if you are new at this! Whether you want to start big or small or are just looking to dabble in real estate investment, this show is one you won't want to miss! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry & Merav look at what it takes to become a broker and how to start a career as a real estate or mortgage professional. If you ever thought about becoming a broker, this show is one you won't want to miss! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry & Merav discuss the upcoming municipal elections in Montreal and the efforts each candidate will put in place to help the real estate market. All this on this week's Real Estate Show! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry & Merav continue their discussion about debt consolidation. Should you refinance to pay off debt? Is a consumer proposal a good idea? Is your credit affected by a debt consolidation loan? All this and more on this week's Real Estate Show! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry & Merav discuss debt consolidation in detail. Should you refinance to pay off debt? Is a consumer proposal a good idea? Is your credit affected by a debt consolidation loan? All this and more on this week's Real Estate Show! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry and Merav dive into election promises related to the real estate market and how some of these changes would affect the average homeowner and first-time home buyers. Tune in to a show you won't want to miss! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week's show, Terry and Merav will be answering all YOUR questions. How will the new stress test affect your purchasing power? Are your offers being refused? What is the best mortgage rate? Market predictions? Thinking of a career as a mortgage or a real estate broker? All this and much more on this week's show. Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
Thinking of selling your property and not sure whether to sell as is or renovate first? Not all renovations and home upgrades have the same impact on the value of your home. This week, we will be talking about the home improvements with the highest return on investment. All this and so much more! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week’s show, Terry & Merav will be talking about tenants and landlords responsibilities as this is the "Time Of The Year". Renting an apartment is a contract that requires the landlord to respect various obligations. In exchange, the tenant also has certain responsibilities. Find out more on this week's show! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
On this week’s show, Terry & Merav will be looking at home décor tips. What should be done to make your home more presentable to potential buyers? How do you make your space look more luxurious? And how do you add value to your home? All this and so much more! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
This Sunday, Terry & Merav will be discussing the impacts of new mortgage stress test rate. Will it make it more difficult to qualify for a mortgage for all income levels? All this and so much more on this week's show! Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
This Sunday, Terry & Merav will be discussing immigration with respect to Canadian real estate. Will there be a lot of immigrants coming into Canada in the next year? Will it help or hinder the economy and will they be able to buy real estate when they arrive? All this and so much more on this week's show! Listen this Sunday from 1:00PM to 2:00PM on CJAD 800AM or online at Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
This Sunday, Terry & Merav will be discussing the reopening of our beautiful city. From office towers, to restaurants, to real estate developments being built, how is everyone planning to adapt? On this week's show, we have two guests joining us to share their opinion on this matter: John E. Gumbley, President of JEGangtic Group & Mike Jager, Co-Founder & Co-CEO of Rosefellow Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
This Sunday, Terry & Merav will be digging deep into what it takes nowadays to qualify for a mortgage with so many changes in the real estate & mortgage market. Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East.
Terry & Merav talk about commercial real estate. Where is it heading in 2021? What will we be seeing now that vaccines are on the way? This and so much more on this week's The Real Estate Show! Terry Kilakos is a chartered real estate and mortgage broker, and the President of North East Real Estate & Mortgage Agency as well as President of Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance. Merav Marciano is also a chartered real estate and mortgage broker and the Executive Vice-President of North East and CBC Alliance.
Terry & Merav talk about how buyers should go about getting their offer accepted in today's crazy real estate market. Buyers today are facing a lack of inventory of homes for sale, multiple offers being given on most properties on the market, and a difficult time getting their offer chosen amongst others. This week, we look at how to make your offer stand out and get accepted. All this and so much more on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav dive into reverse mortgages. Did you know that if you are over the age of 55, you can get a mortgage with no payments? With many seniors choosing to get at home long term care, versus going to a retirement home, setting up a reverse mortgage on their home is becoming an option worth exploring. Find out all about it on this week's real estate show.
Terry & Merav continue last week's talk about whether buyers need their own broker to represent them or if it's a good idea to reach out directly to the listing broker. Last week proved to be hot topic with lots of callers and texters. You won't want to miss this week's show where we continue this controversial discussion.
Terry & Merav talk about whether buyers need their own broker representing them or if it's a good idea to reach out directly to the listing broker. Find out everything you need to know about buying a property with your own broker. All this and so much more on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav talk about refinancing your property. Thinking about renegotiating your mortgage and getting some money out? Now may be the best time to do so! Find out why and whether you should possibly consider doing so in 2021. All this and so much more on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav take a look back at the real estate market in 2020 which was nothing short of spectacular. What should we expect for 2021? Will the market quiet down? Will it be even crazier? Or will we be seeing a stable market? All this and so much more on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav look at mortgage penalties. How often do people break their existing term, how their penalty is calculated, why you should know this information before signing for your mortgage and how you can save thousands of dollars by knowing your penalty ahead of time. All this and so much more on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav look at new construction condos, how to finance your new condo, what delays to expect and what to expect when buying a property on plans. All this and so much more on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav look at condos! What you should expect when it comes to financing your condo, monthly fees to prepare for, and surprises that can come up. Also, what exactly is the difference between divided and undivided co-ownership and how to choose what's right for you! All this and so much more on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav discuss multiple offers. With the real estate market being on fire, and many buyers facing situations of multiple offers, how do they make their offer stand out and get the best chances of getting chosen? They'll discuss some tips and tricks to getting your offer accepted and some important information buyers and sellers should know. All this and so much more on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav talk about radon, mould, asbestos, pyrite and so much more. How dangerous they are for your home and how you get rid of these environmental issues. All this and so much more on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav look at the mortgage rates and where they are headed! Will fixed rates go up? Will variable rates go down? What affects rates and what can we expect for the next few years. All this and so much more on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav look at what you need to do to winterize your home and cottage. From plumbing, to heating systems, roof maintenance and so much more all on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav have a deeper look at the real estate & mortgage market and where these are headed in the next few months and years. This show will dive into home prices, mortgage rates, bank evaluations, getting approved and so much more! All on this week's The Real Estate Show!
Terry & Merav look at some important information for first time buyers. How much do you need to save up for your downpayment? How do you qualify for your first mortgage ? What are some hidden costs? And so much more! On this week's The Real Estate Show
Terry & Merav discuss your real estate options when it comes to separation and divorce. How do you go about buying out your ex-partner? Should you sell the property? And what other options do you have access to? All this and more, on this week's show!
Part 2 of What to Know When Investing in Real Estate
Terry & Merav dive into different types of real estate investments and what to look for in today's market.
Terry & Merav talk about storage in your home and how important it is to use your space efficiently.
Terry & Merav look at the different reasons to refinance your mortgage and why now, more than ever, is the right time to do so.
Terry & Merav look at some of the hidden costs you face when buying a home and how to prepare yourself for them.
Terry & Merav continue their discussion about some of the common real estate frauds out there and how you can protect yourself from fraudsters taking advantage of you.
Terry & Merav look at some common real estate frauds out there and how you can protect yourself from fraudsters taking advantage of you.
Terry & Merav look at the pros and cons of buying a country house and important things you should know before buying. From financing options to septic tanks, to types of lakes and so much more, they go over all the details you should be aware of.
Terry & Merav discuss some important home maintenance that we don't always think about and how this can have severe repercussions in the future. Joined by special guest Darin Doucette, President of Duct Masters, Terry and Merav also look at the importance of properly cleaning your air ducts and what positive effects this can have on the air quality of your home and save you money.
Terry & Merav discuss the newly announced CMHC policy changes regarding mortgages as well as where they see the real estate and rates heading in the next few months.
Last week, Terry and Merav went over creative sources of downpayments, which is the first element of the financing triangle. On this week's Real Estate Show, they discuss the second and third elements of the financing triangle: Credit & Income, and how to get approved for your mortgage.
On this week's Real Estate Show, Terry and Merav look at down payments! How much do you need? Where can it come from? And if you don't have it, what creative ways can you use to obtain it? All this and more on this week's show!
With many businesses not reopening their doors, will this affect commercial landlords and property owners? What kind of effect will this have on prices of commercial properties and will inventory go up or down in the next year?
What can you do to increase the value of your home? Terry Kilakos talks about some of the renovations and updates you can do to your home in order to increase its value. Should I fix the roof or redo my kitchen? Should I change the floor or update the bathroom? These and all of your questions answered on this week's Real Estate Show!
Terry Kilakos will be talking about how to get ready for the spring real estate rush. Will home prices climb or drop? Will we still find ourselves in multiple offers like the beginning of the year? And will financial institutions be more or less strict? All these topics and more! On this week's Real Estate Show!
Terry Kilakos discusses the mechanism of mortgage payment deferrals and how to go about applying for a payment holiday. Also, details will be given as to how this payment is collected at a later date by the financial institution and what you should expect.
Terry Kilakos will discuss how the Covid-19 virus outbreak is affecting the Canadian economy and the real estate market and what you can do to get prepared
Terry Kilakos and Merav Marciano will discuss how the Covid-19 virus outbreak is affecting the Canadian economy and the real estate market.
Terry Kilakos and Merav Marciano discuss the Bank of Canada rate drop, new prime rates, upcoming changes to the qualifying rate, and homebuyer incentives. Many of these policies will affect the average home buyer and borrower & Terry and Merav will look at how to get ready for those changes properly.
Bank of Canada lowers overnight rate by 1/2%
“I will forever believe that buying a home is a great investment. Why? Because you can’t live in a …
Terry Kilakos and Merav Marciano look at whether it makes more sense to break your mortgage and refinance or ride the mortgage term until the end.
Let our team of experienced Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers make your dreams come true.
Terry Kilakos is back with The Real Estate Show, this time accompanied by his wife & business partner Merav Marciano to talk about whether it's a good time to sell or hold onto your property. Call in or text in your questions!
North East Radio Spot February 2020
This week, on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Helen Akrivos will be going over some common mistakes that can be avoided when it comes to your real estate & mortgage transaction & how to avoid costly situations.
This week, on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Helen Akrivos will be discussing how you can go about investing in real estate in Montreal and grow your passive income and net worth.
This week, on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Helen Akrivos will be digging deep into electoral promises and their effect on the economy and real estate market.
This week, on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Helen Akrivos are continuing their talk about whether it's a good time to refinance or sell your property. Terry and Helen will dig deep into both options for you to figure out which one is best for you.
This week, on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Helen Akrivos will be talking about whether it's a good time to refinance or sell your property. Terry and Helen will dig deep into both options for you to figure out which one is best for you.
After 12 years of hard work and with a mission of public financial education, Terry Kilakos, Founder of the North East group of companies, wins the BC360 Linked In Awards in 2019 in the category of Financial Services.
This week, on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Helen Akrivos will be looking at how politics is affecting the real estate market and how each political move and promise can affect us.
This week, on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Helen Akrivos will be taking a closer look at home affordability. With real estate prices going up, the stress test making it harder to get a mortgage and salaries not rising fast enough, is home ownership still a realistic goal for some? Tune in to find out what you can do to be become a home owner in this hot and crazy market.
This week, on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Helen Akrivos will be discussing in great detail the pros and cons of the government's new first time home buyer's incentive and what this means to you. Will you really be saving money? Is this program any good? Tune in to find out.
This week, on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Helen Akrivos will talk about the Canadian Real Estate Market and where it's going. What's new with rates and government programs, and is real estate going up or down in the near future?
This week, Terry & Eleni continue their discussion regarding the Liberal Budget and how some new policies will affect you. They will continue their chat about first time homebuyer incentives, home buyers plans, stress tests and so much more...
This week, Terry & Eleni will be going over the Federal Budget and how some new policies will affect you. The chat will go over incentives for first time homebuyers, home buyers plans, stress tests and so much more. You don't want to miss it!
In this week's show, Terry Kilakos & Eleni Akrivos discuss the pros & cons of renting your place on AirBnB and other short term rental sites. What are the rules? What are the tax implications? and so many other questions answered on this week week's show.
In this week's show, Terry Kilakos & Eleni Akrivos will be talking about the pros and cons of using a real estate broker & what to expect from your realtor.
In this week's show, Terry Kilakos & Eleni Akrivos will give you some not to be missed tips about who you need to have on your team in order to save thousands of dollars and get the best advice.
In this week's show, Terry Kilakos & Eleni Akrivos will be talking about the pros and cons of using a mortgage broker versus a bank for your mortgage transaction & what to expect from your advisor.
In this week's show, Terry Kilakos & Eleni Akrivos will be discussing the process of obtaining your first investment property and important things to watch out for.
There are so many realtors out there, and many or them say they're the best. What is it you should be looking for in a real estate broker and what should you expect?
In this week's show, Terry Kilakos & Eleni Akrivos will be discussing the process of obtaining your first investment property and important things to watch out for.
Who is Terry Kilakos? In this interview, Kelly Alexander dives into the life of the man who has revolutionized the mortgage industry. Terry shares a little about his childhood and what drives him.
In this week's show, Terry Kilakos & Eleni Akrivos will be discussing when is a good time to sell and when you should consider keeping your real estate & refinancing it in order to get all your equity out. Don't miss this show!
North East 2019 Kick Off held on January 31 was touching, fulfilling and productive!
Athena Baktis, Residential Real Estate Broker at North East Realties shares her experience being a real estate broker.
The most epic Xmas party of the year
In this week's show, Terry Kilakos will be discussing with his guest Ben Levine, professional plumber with Levine Brothers, the important plumbing tips you need to know when it comes to buying a home, winterizing a home, or handling plumbing issues that may arise. Don't miss this show! These tips can save you thousands of dollars.
Many health practitioners are extremely talented in their field but find it very challenging to be an entrepreneur and run a clinic in an effective way. In this week's show, Terry will be chatting with Dr. Bak Nguyen, dentist, author & entrepreneur about the challenges many medical entrepreneurs face and how to be more efficient in business. Terry & Bak will talk business, real estate & wealth building so don't miss this exciting show.
Nowadays, many of us have to make the complicated decision to make of whether to invest in real estate or the stock market in order to increase ou net worth. This week on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos explores this question with Chantal Desjardins and looks at all the pros & cons.
Check out this interesting interview with Guy Belanger, a star mortgage broker at North East Mortgages. Guy shares a little bit about his past experience and how he got into this world.
Finding solutions to financing your project can be complicated. This week on The Real Estate Show, Terry chats with Chantal about different options available based on your project and situation and goes into detail about what financing options are available out there.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Eleni Akrivos & Chantal Desjardins will be discussing how to buy real estate in this new hot market. With home prices going up, multiple offers happening in many purchases and buyers having less supply, where do we start?
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Chantal Desjardins will be discussing your relationship to money and how it affects your every day decisions and your financial health.
Real Estate Show - Complete Real Estate & Mortgage Market Update
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Chantal Desjardins will be discussing the fears associated with taking the first step in buying real estate or investments and how to conquer them. This will be a show not to be missed as Terry delves deep into the psychology of facing deep routes fears and how to take action in spite of them.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos & Chantal Desjardins will be continuing their talk about demystifying the different myths that we learn regarding mortgages. We all hear different information from friends and family, but learning the facts is important in order to make an informed decision. Listen to Part 2 this Sunday at 1:00PM on CJAD 800AM.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Eleni Akrivos, President of North East Realties and chartered real estate broker will be discussing with Chantal Desjardins the reality of today's real estate market in Canada.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered real estate & mortgage broker will be demystifying with Chantal Desjardins the different myths that we learn regarding mortgages. We all hear different information from friends and family, but learning the facts is important in order to make an informed decision.
The Real Estate Show is back on the air as of Sunday September 9th, on CJAD 800AM with your hosts Terry Kilakos & Chantal Desjardins. One full hour of real estate & mortgage education.
Mortgage and Real estate brokers face new challenges everyday. As the landscape changes, at North East we educate and inform our brokers of changes and give them the tools to succeed in this fast paced ever evolving industry. We provide cutting edge training, proprietary tools, guaranteed client referrals, and sales processes that drive your business to new heights. We provide a team environment that supports and nurtures new and veteran brokers alike.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered real estate & mortgage broker will be continuing his discussion with Chantal Desjardins about where to invest our money and energy in order to increase the value of our home. Sometimes less is more and some little things make a big difference in how quickly and how high you can sell your home.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered real estate & mortgage broker will be discussing with Chantal Desjardins what to invest our money and energy into in order to increase the value of our home. Sometimes less is more and some little things make a big difference in how quickly and how high you can sell your home.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will be discussing with Chantal Desjardins how the new mortgage rules have created a new reality and how to navigate all the different mortgages available out there. How do we figure out if our mortgage is conventional, insured or insurable? How do we calculate our long term gain or loss? And how do we know we're getting a good deal? Terry will talk about how you choose the right mortgage for you on The Real Estate Show, this Sunday, May 20th at 1:00PM on CJAD 800AM.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will be discussing with Chantal Desjardins how the Canadian household debt is at a record high and why we should all be concerned with this current situation.
What Are The Acceptable Income Sources When Applying for a Home Mortgage - North East Mortgages
How Does a Bank Decide If I Earn Enough to Get Approved for a Mortgage
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will be discussing with Chantal Desjardins how reverse mortgages work and important facts you should know along with their guest Sue Pimento from Home Equity Bank.
For people who are business owners or self-employed, you can have several sources of income that can be considered by the banks when you apply for a home mortgage. What are the sources of income? Well, that will depend on your individual situation. Give us a call at 514-680-4674 so we can look at your specific case and provide you with the best advice and options going forward.
If you are a consultant on contract, there are special situations you need to consider when applying for a home mortgage. In some instances, you are treated as a self-employed person. Regardless of your situation, it is best to speak with a professional mortgage broker who can look at your particular scenario and offer you the best advice when applying for a residential mortgage.
GDS and TDS ratios can be confusing however, they are very important when a financial institution is considering your for a home mortgage. Terry Kilakos explains what both ratios mean, how each ratio is calculated and what it means for the success of your mortgage application process.
Will A Financial Institution Consider a Brand New Employment As A Source Of Income
Will A Financial Institution Consider a Brand New Employment As A Source Of Income
Will A Financial Institution Consider a Brand New Employment As A Source Of Income
Should I Add Extra Onto My Mortgage To Purchase A New Car - Mortgage Application Process
What is your Opinion on Cash Back Mortgages to Pay Off Debt? - Is this a Sound Mortgage Strategy?
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will be continuing his discussion with Chantal Desjardins regarding the important things you need to know about a property before you buy it.
Does it Make a Difference if I Put 35% or 50% Down Payment When Applying for a Mortgage in Canada?
Can I Show My Company's Financials to Prove My Income When Applying for a Mortgage in Canada?
Is It a Good Idea to Cash In RRSPs to Pay Off Debt Before Applying For a Home Mortgage In Canada
Can Rental Income or Child Tax Benefits be Considered as an Income when Applying for a Mortgage
Can I Consider Dividends as a Source of Income When I Am Applying for a Mortgage in Canada
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will be discussing with Chantal Desjardins the important things you need to know about a property before you buy it.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will be discussing with Chantal Desjardins the different aspects you need to take into account nowadays in order to get your mortgage approved and how things are different from just a few years ago.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Eleni Akrivos, President of North East Realties and chartered real estate broker will be discussing with Chantal Desjardins how to go about selling your property in this hot market and how to navigate the different challenges you may face.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will have guests Luciano D'Iorio, managing director at Cushman & Wakefield and Pierre Atalla, agency executive officer at North East Commercial provide their feedback on buying, selling and financing commercial real estate in this market.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will be discussing with co-host Chantal Desjardins whether or not it's a good idea to use your home equity to pay for other debts, purchase properties or cars or for any other purposes.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will be discussing with his co-host Chantal Desjardins the importance of knowing your rights and obligations when signing a contract. With their guest, Jamie Benizri, partner and lawyer at Legal Logik, Terry and Chantal will be getting into all the tips and tricks your should know when it comes to signing a contract.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will be discussing with his co-host Chantal Desjardins the different financing options available to self-employed individuals.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will be discussing with his co-host Chantal Desjardins the importance of a good home inspection with his guest and president of Belvedere Home Inspections Mark Amaral.
This is the topic for this week's CJAD's Real Estate Show with Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker and his co-host Chantal Desjardins. This will be the first of a 3-part series dedicated to buyers. Next week, in part 2 of the series with Eleni Akrivos, President of North East Realties, and chartered real estate broker, we will be discussing the buying process and how to prepare for it.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage & real estate broker will be discussing with his co-host Chantal Desjardins how the new budget will affect the average Montreal homeowner. Along with their guest, Ville St-Laurent Mayor Alan DeSousa, Terry, and Chantal will be tackling the difficult questions related to the newly announced municipal tax hikes which are in line to be implemented in the coming week.
Landlords' Rights and Obligations.
This week on the Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, President of North East Mortgages and chartered mortgage broker will be discussing with Chantal Desjardins the third and last element involved in getting approved for a mortgage: INCOME. From Salaried to Self-Employed income, as well as creative income sources, Terry will discuss what is needed to get approved for a mortgage.
This week on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos and Dan Laxer discuss further the second element of the financing triangle which is Equity. Many callers and texters wanted to know more about the minimum down payment required and the allowable sources of your downpayment.
This week on The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos talks about equity, the second element of the financing triangle. From minimum down payments to maximum loans to value, Terry talks about many of these aspects. Many callers and texters had their questions answered and Terry will be discussing this subject further next week.
On this week's The Real Estate Show, Terry Kilakos, chartered mortgage broker and president of North East Mortgages is discussing with his co-host Chantal Desjardins the Financing Triangle, the 3 elements required in order to obtain financing. The 3 elements are Credit, Income, and Equity. This week, many had questions about credit and Terry gave lots of interesting tips. Stay tuned next week where we go over equity and income and how these 2 elements affect your rate of approval.
In this week's show, Terry Kilakos & Chantal Desjardins discuss the new Canadian OSFI mortgage rules which are being implemented on January 1st, 2018 and how these will affect the average consumer. Lots of texters and Live Facebook comments proved this to be an important conversation to have. Watch how this chartered mortgage broker and President of North East Mortgages explains how you can stay afloat during this tightening of mortgage lending rules.
La Banque du Canada a annoncé une réduction de son taux cible du financement à un jour, le faisant passer de 25 points de base à 4,25 %. Le taux officiel d'escompte est désormais fixé à 4,5 %, et le taux de dépôt s'aligne sur le nouveau tau[...]
Understanding the Rate Cut The Bank of Canada has just announced a reduction in its target for the overnight rate to 4.75%, with corresponding adjustments to the Bank Rate and deposit rate. This decision aligns with their ongoing efforts towa[...]
Dans un mouvement surprenant, le budget fédéral de 2024 a proposé des changements significatifs au régime d'imposition des gains en capital au Canada, laissant les contribuables et les professionnels se précipiter pour comprendre les implicatio[...]
North East Mortgages
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